Singaraja- Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) menjalin kerjasama dengan Universitas Sembilanbelas November (USN) Kolaka, yang ditandai dengan penandatanganan MoU di Ruang Ganesha I Rektorat, Senin (29/7/2024). Acara ini dihadiri oleh Kepala Biro Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Undiksha Drs. I Made Yasa, M.Pd.
The USN Kolaka group was led directly by the Rector of USN Kolaka, Dr. H. Nur Ihsan HI., M.Hum. It was conveyed that this cooperation is in the field of Tri Dharma of Higher Education as an effort by USN to improve the accreditation status of several fields of study it has. In addition, the cooperation that is established is also expected to support the process of changing the status of USN from Satker to PTN BLU. In this meeting, various programs that can be implemented in the future were also presented.
Head of Bureau, Made Yasa, M.Pd. expressed his appreciation for the selection of Undiksha as a cooperation partner by USN Kolaka. It is hoped that the collaboration that is established can provide benefits for the progress and development of both universities. (UCA)