Singaraja- Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) has been chosen by Manado State University (Unima) as a partner in developing an integrated system. The signing of the cooperation took place at Undiksha, Friday (1/3/2024).
This event was attended directly by the Rector of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd. He was accompanied by the Vice Chancellor for Planning, Finance, and General Affairs, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Artanayasa, S.Pd., M.Pd, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Public Relations, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Sudiana, M.Kes, and Head of the Planning and Cooperation Bureau, Prof. Dr. I Komang Setemen, S.Si., M.T along with staffs.
From UNIMA, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Orbanus Naharia, M.Sc., Vice Rector for Planning, Finance, and General Affairs Prof. Dr. Sanusi Gugule, M.Sc., Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Donald Ratu, M.Hum and the information technology development team.
On this occasion, the Rector of Undiksha, Prof. Lasmawan expressed his appreciation for UNIMA’s trust in wanting to collaborate with Undiksha. It is hoped that the system that will be developed can have an impact on the quality of university governance that is getting better. Through this meeting, it was also conveyed that the collaboration that was established could continue to be developed, including in the field of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
Meanwhile, the Vice Rector of UNIMA, Prof. Orbanus Naharia said that UNIMA, which still has the status of a State University for Financial Management of Public Service Agencies (PTN PK-BLU), continues to strive to improve the quality of governance. The implementation of an integrated system has also been carried out. However, it is considered that it still needs to be maximized. This is expected to be realized through collaboration with Undiksha.
After the signing of the collaboration, Undiksha will then provide direct assistance until the system can be implemented properly.