Prior to sending students doing internship and teaching practicum in several overseas partner institutions in four countries, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, Undiksha held a pre-departure training. It was held in Sunnas Pathya, Menyali Village, Sawan District, Buleleng Regency on Tuesday, 30th of July 2019. The program was opened by the Chief of Institute of Instructional Development and Quality Assurance, Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marhaeni, M.A. The training was aimed at preparing the students to get ready physically and mentally to be the ambassadors of Undiksha. The total number of students taking part in this batch 8 for teaching practices under Seateacher-Seameo and batch 4 under SeaTVET Seameo and U to U programs are 65 and they come from different study programs.
Prof. Marhaeni also explained that the students will depart gradually from August to September 2019 to a number of universities spread across those four countries. They will later meet many people from various countries, so that, it is important for them to be given briefing and orientation of how they should behave when they are abroad.
The materials given in the pre-departure training were (1) the philosophy of life in Bali, that is Tri Hita Karana as the foundation of the vision of Undiksha to produce excellent human resources who have harmonious life in three different directions, human to the supreme being, to other human, and to the environment, (2) leadership for preparing them working professionally in the field and building team work, responsibility, and dedication among others through games, (3) Things to prepare and to do during teaching practices, and (4) Cross Culture Understanding. The resource persons in charge of giving the training were Prof. Dr. A.A.I.N Marhaeni, M.A., Dr. Ni Made Ratminingsih, M.A., Dr. Dewa Bagus Sanjaya, M.Si, Dr. I Gede Budasi, M.Ed, and the staff of partnership office, Pande Gede Artha Pratama. Those materials are all very important for them to be understood and applied so that they can be succesful in doing the programs.
Prof. Marhaeni also stated that the number of students registered reached 268 people this year. Considering that every year the students interest having overseas program increases, Undiksha continues to develop cooperation with a number of universities in other countries. These programs are not only to add to the students international experience, but also as a part of internationalization at home launched by the Rector of Undiksha in 2019. In addition to sending students, Undiksha also accepts a number of 30 international students who are having inbound programs with Undiksha from a number of institutions of 4 different countries as mentioned above. (written by Head of Office of International Affairs and Partnership, Dr. Ni Made Ratminingsih, M.A.)
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